Chapter 22 Day 6 Yellow Cosmic Seed


Today is Sunday, the 6th Day of the month, Dec 18th. It is Yellow Cosmic Seed, the last day of the 13 day wavespell. Kin 104 of 260 days. The chakra is solar plexus. At the top of your page, put 6, then space for your name to come in. This is the south of the Solar Medicine Wheel, Yesod. The body in front is the low abdomen, and in back is the tail bone.

This aspect of myself is called “Gone Fishing”. This was an interesting introduction she gave me. I had just left the charismatic Christian Church. It was the day after Labor Day, 1990. My guidance had asked me to go into the inner planes and meet her. I didn’t think I had enough time, but I was reassured this would not be a long trip. I went into meditation, and I found myself walking down the hill to the lake where I lived while in elementary school and high school. I came to the pier, and noticed a young lady sitting at the end of the pier fishing, her back to me.

I quietly said what I thought her name to be. She turned slowly around and looked at me. I was stunned! Although she looked to be a teenager, she felt like she was ancient. Her eyes were gently sparkly, but soft, and seemed to go on forever! As deep as her ancient wisdom that she exuded! Her whole aura was warm and friendly. She was kindness and compassion exemplified. I could just feel it.

With this gentleness she slowly said, ( I forgot what I thought her name was, I’ll just put some ——. “My name is not ——-. My name is “Gone Fishing”. With that she slowly turned around and resumed her fishing. It was the most amazing experience, but with her aura she was kindly, respectfully, softly and lovingly telling me I was not ready to get to know her yet. This was the clearest communication. No wondering! Clear!!! This was just a glimpse into our future relationship and melding. That in itself was my first lesson from her, an example of communicating with out words, which would be so important for me to know how to do!

I had a whole Gone Fishing clown outfit made for “Gone Fishing”, it was bright and beautiful, it was my favorite clown wardrobe. However as I got to know “Gone Fishing” it was very clear to me she was going to be my “Starry Telling” facilitator. I gave the beautiful wardrobe away  to someone that loved it and could use it. It was very clear to “Gone Fishing” and myself that she would be wearing a very long patchwork skirt. I’ve made pictures of the skirt but we have not had the skirt created yet. I mention this because it’s extremely important that your inner clown be congruent in all aspects of herself.

On 10/28/99 she wrote to me:

“I am very shy. Almost invisible. I am shy about being noticed. I love the great silence. In fact, I am from the Great Silence. I need hours and hours of Solitude and Silence. I let my mind think any and all that it wants to, I embrace all of it. Also with my emotions. I feel them all and embrace them, love them, take them in. Like a mother, a Sister with many children, many sisters. COMPASSION for them all. I generate COMPASSION.

I am DEEP, so DEEP, words are meaning-less to me. I am a master of knowing and feeling. Feeling and knowing.

I sit and watch birds. Watch candles burn. Listen to waterfalls tumble. Breathe deeply and sigh. Watch flowers blowing in the wind.

I need do nothing. Everything comes to me. Everything I need, want, and desire, comes to me. I am one with the Divine Infinite Source. I am eternal, infinite – live beyond space and time.”

These are the meditations I am doing today on the Love Heals energy that came in on December 1st:

14. It’s purpose is to heal the children who have been abused, thus healing their adult, too. (When the inner child is healed, the inner adult is automatically healed.)

15. It is administered through the “I” of Keter/Throne Room/ Crystalline Core of Earth.

This is a Quote from Our Chapter 19 “I” and “I AM”:

David Hawkins, in his book “I”, “Reality and Subjectivity” (the last of a trilogy of books), has a Chart:
“Calibrated Scale of Consciousness: The Enlightened and Divine States”.
It is on page 151 & 152, should you want to reference this work of his.
He has:

“I” as Essence of Creation. 1,250
“I” of Ultimate Reality. 1,000+
“I”/Self-Divinity as Allness (Beatific, Vision). 750
“I Am” 650

This is in Chapter 9, and I mention this because it’s the only time I have read something about “I” being a higher frequency than “I Am”. I am trying to communicate my belief that “I Am” gives us the gift of individuality on our way home in Da’at, the Universal Seferoth. Then when we reach the consciousness of “I” in Keter, the Cosmic, Seferoth, we are secure in our individuality.

This is important to me, because I’ve heard many people say during my journeys that they are afraid of going to Cosmic Christ Consciousness because they feel they will be dissolved into the “Cosmic Soup.” Our voyage back home IS the time when we give our individual gifts we’ve brought from Source. This establishes our individual uniqueness, our “I Am” which we then can take to Keter as our “I” Self. All is the Mystical Body of Christ.

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