Chapter 3 Day 9 Tangerine

Lady Master Tangerine

January 18, 2018, Galactic East, Tiferet Sepheroth
Thursday, Yellow Rhythmic Sun, Kin 240, Root Chakra

This message came through me at 3:15 this morning.

I have never heard of Lady Master Tangerine, however I believe that she was a “Behind the Scenes” Lady Master Who was destined to appear NOW!!! Obviously She is of the Second Chakra. We’ll just have to see what may unfold.

To say that this is a surprise, would be a great understatement!
However I am happy to give us Her timely message!

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Lady Master Tangerine

I AM Lady Master Tangerine,
  – – Keeper of the Sacred NewClear Fire.
In Truth, I AM this Sacred Fire.
– – I AM it’s Source, Essence, and Presence.

I complete Indra’s Net.
– – Now each Messiah’s Mist is the Center,
The Zero Point, of the Cosmos.
– – There is no way to hide from Me.
I dissolve all that is not Truth.
– – Klippots disappear into the nothingness
From which they came.

I AM the Original
– – Omniscience, Omnipresence, and Omnipotence.
I Saturate You with this which You already are.
– – Paradise returns as our Divine Inheritance.

I AM Passion, Ecstasy, and Bliss.
– – I include and embrace all Children of God.
I return us all to the Glorious Divine Love
– – That we are “In the Beginning”.

I leave no one out!
– – I Embrace and Kiss the Essence of All Creation.
You cannot hide from Me,
– – For I AM the Essence of Your Divine Self.
I only allow You to remember,

The “Soul”

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The “Soul” Scroll Closeup (click to zoom)

The “Soul” Collage created by Mir-I-Am 4/23/2010

This collage was begun before I moved to Denver and was finished in 2008. In unpacking the pieces, I discovered a torn leaf as I was ready to glue it together. I tried and tried to rearrange the leaves so that the tear would be covered up, but to no avail.

My granddaughters and I used to do artwork on Sunday afternoons. I showed the oldest one my problem of rearranging the blossoms and leaves so that the tear would be covered up. She contemplated the composition and then simply rearranged them and said “How about this?” I was amazed and grateful. That was the solution!

It is interesting that in my first collage, “Co-Create”,  I had a similar problem with the dogwood blossoms. I couldn’t get them to flow the way they needed to. My son was visiting from Denver and I showed him the problem. He simply tapped one of the blossoms, and said, “How about this?” And there was the flow I needed to finish my first collage! Amazing! And Magical!

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“Co-Create” Collage

“Co-Create” created by Mirror-I-Am 11/26/2000 Kin 222

Words from this Collage:
How will it be when we realize that we Co-Create our own Reality?

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