Chapter 8 Day 10 One Breath

June 8, 2018, Galactic South, Tiferet Sepheroth
Friday, Red Self-Existing Dragon, Kin 121, Third Eye

One Breath Painting

This story of Filiz Emma Soyak’s is SO inspiring! (See Below.)

Since 2018 started, I’ve had to deal with energies that are either new, and/or have gone deeper and I have to deal with them. I thought (with many others who have been in this “Experiment” or “Game” as some have the nerve to call it) that we would have received much obvious 3rd Dimensional help. In other words our Divine Inheritance as promised us. But instead I have to dig deeper, and longer, and even find new skills! Even Co-creating some of them in the moment. Definitely living in the moment and even expecting that my “Plans for the Day” will have no relevance to what will really happen. That’s a big acceptance OK for me now. Don’t be wedded to my plans!

It doesn’t matter whether it’s an assignment, an intercession, a job that was originally assigned to someone else (but for many possible reasons, could not attain it) It’s my baby now! We probably didn’t DO anything wrong, we’re just very talented and have been called to fill in for a Wounded Warrior. It could be something we signed up for thinking things couldn’t and /or wouldn’t get as terrible as they have. But guess what!

I’ve had to put the “Whys” away, and just dive in and find my response. For me it is always connected to one of my skills I’ve had to develop for my specific mission. However, this latest one is is a total surprise!

I felt like the day of Pentecost would be a big day, Sunday, the 20th Of May. However, nothing special had happened, and sunset was coming on. I have some meditation/dance/relaxing music that I listen to lately, in  which I am emotionally connected to. I’ve listened to many DVDs and have picked out the one that most consistently engenders the uplifting feelings I want to experience. This is it.

Since a lot of my developed skills are Clown related, I was surprised to find in my inner vision, that I was dancing! And with no other than Jesus. He has been the one who got me into clowning, as a huge surprise, but dancing, I’m really not even tempted to learn. All my tries are a disaster. I have dancing in my family. My Mother was a dancer, my husband, and my sister, and now my daughter. Many different kinds of dancing from ballroom, prophetic, Native American, and modern dance. However I’ve always been the instrumentalist. I relate to music in a different way.

You can imagine my surprise when unannounced, Jesus just showed up dancing with me! And in the inner planes, I was a good dancer with Jesus as the leader. WOW! I will write more about this as it progresses!

My feet and body movements were taking care of themselves. It was my breathing that Jesus asked me to notice. How did the music want me to breathe as we were dancing? I was amazed how much I noticed, and was able to follow relating my breathing to movement, rhythm, and sound!

Dancing began to feel a little natural for me. I need to say, I was watching myself dance with Jesus from the viewing perspective. I’ve not yet stepped into the experience of dancing with Him. However I’m amazed how much I’m experiencing, from just these almost 4 weeks.

So now, I’m including this story about Filiz Emma Soyak. I find that we each have our own personal uplifting relationships to people’s sharing what has/is helping us in these challenging times.
Here’s her beautiful sharing.

Unu Spiro: One Breath Meditation Paintings


image Filiz Emma SoyakFiliz Emma SoyakFiliz Emma SoyakFiliz Emma Soyak

Filiz Emma Soyak

Born in 1979 in Belgium to a Turkish father and a Swedish mother, Filiz Emma Soyak knew by the age of five that visual art was her calling and way of expression. Her heritage, travels and wanderlust provide continuous inspiration and perspective. Motherhood changed her world and signified a major shift in her work to a more mindful practice and a conscious approach. More than ever now she reflects awareness about living in the present.

Unu Spiro translates to ‘one breath’ in Esperanto, a language designed to unite, and one in which everything is rooted in the present.

I began my one breath paintings as a meditative practice to appreciate the present moment. I became a mother in 2016 to a brilliant soul. My heart expanded, my life changed, and I changed. But as I transitioned into motherhood, I felt more chaos than clarity as the days and nights blurred by with dizzying speed. I observed myself handling everything with less grace and more discomfort than I had anticipated. Intuition had always been my guide, but I couldn’t hear my own thoughts clearly and I lost faith in my instincts. Everything I knew as myself was no more. While my new life demanded me to be more present, I felt my mind manically jumping to the past and worrying about the future. My breath did not come easily. My body didn’t seem to belong to me anymore, and neither did my time. I felt detached from the person I was before. Who was this person? Where was the calm, curious, observant, positive, driven, creative being I remembered as myself? I felt like a shell of my former self.

Breath painting by Filiz Emma SoyakI knew something had to change.

For all of my life, making art has been my way of processing and making sense of life experiences. It is my identity. It is my language. It has also been a practice in mindfulness. But in my new role, I couldn’t work the way I was used to. There were limitations on my time and energy, and I didn’t feel inspired when I was not able to connect to my intuition.

I had started doing Yoga and meditation in college twenty years earlier. But since having a baby, I hadn’t figured out a way to do much of anything for myself, let alone keep up a spiritual practice. I knew from my experience that it would help.

Surely I could find ten minutes!

So, I committed to meditating every day. I noticed a change immediately. Meditation helped me to slow down, to breathe, and to hear my inner voice again. After a few weeks, my intuition told me something I had known all along. The artist in me was still there, and I had to find a way to paint again. But I had to simplify and minimize everything – my creative process, the materials, the scale, the colors, and form.

Breath painting by Filiz Emma SoyakOne June morning in 2017, while my daughter napped, I sat in my attic studio with a sketchbook opened to a blank page. I picked up a handmade calligraphy brush I had owned for decades but never used. I filled a ceramic bowl with water – one that I had made in Japan when I was 12. I opened up an old bottle of black ink. There was still some left. I didn’t know what I was going to do, but it wasn’t about the product it was about the process. I squeezed a dropper full of ink into the water. Watching it drip, then move and morph slowly within the water was mesmerizing. I took a deep breath and raised my brush. Exhaling, I dipped it into the bowl. Inhaling again I pressed the brush onto the paper, and as I exhaled I moved the brush to make a mark. I felt calmer. With each breath, I painted another stroke. It was slow, methodical, and it felt good. So I did it again and again.

Over time, stories of motherhood unfolded and reflected their lessons back to me in the form of abstract black marks on paper. My creative practice had become my mindfulness practice. My paintings were my meditations, my teachings. My breath had carved out a path for me to center and process my life. I had arrived at Unu Spiro, one breath paintings, and found stillness, peace, and gratitude for my new self and the present.

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Unu Spiro: One Breath Meditation Paintings, by Filiz Emma Soyak

Filiz Emma Soyak – About page

Filiz Emma Soyak – One Breath Art Collection

Gratitude to Filiz Emma Soyak for this article and to Daily Good for the Initial exposure to this article.