September 28, 2018, Galactic East, Tiferet Sepheroth
Friday, Red Crystal Sky Walker, Kin 233, Root Chakra
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In my EMDR (Eye Movement Disassociation Reprograming) work, one of the things I am working on is communication. For many years I have been creating a system of communication through the senses of my body. It has been important for my Inner Child work and my work in multi-dimensional communication. Two of the main things that I have used are Aikido and the Laying -0n-0f-Hands Healing. To read more click this link to go to our article about Aikido.
Throughout the years as I began to feel the multi dimensions of the Middle Pillar of the Kaballah – Malkut, Yesod, Tifferet, Da’at and Keter – I realized how much communication needs to go on without words. Keter, the spirit, and Da’at, the soul energies were not even completely opened. As a result, I found it necessary to find a way to include my body sensations, feelings and emotions in my inner self in order to communicate with others.
As I began to understand Sophian Gnosticism and the necessity of coming from the future or coming from Cosmic Christ Consciousness down to embody physical consciousness, I began to develop an inner communication that I understood. My goal was to live in Keter or what I’m now calling Ain Soph or the Mystery. I would be able to come down the dimensions to whatever level someone was communicating. For instance if someone were giving me a recipe for hummus I would be coming down to the planetary Malkut consciousness. This had nothing to do about judgment of dimensional levels because I believe our inner self is only as strong as the weakest links between our inner levels of consciousness. It was solely for my own ability to be able to hear and communicate on the correct level.
Beginning this year, 2018, I began to realize that I was somehow off in my communications. I brought this up to my EMDR therapist as something that I would like to work on. In EMDR, to reprogram the brain there is a bar of lights that your eyes follow from far left to far right and back and forth. Also, there is a sound at one end of the light bar and then the other end of the light bar to emphasize through sound the reprogramming.
As one watches the lights go back and forth and hears the alternate sounds, one is supposed to be aware of what comes up from your conscious or subconscious mind. In this session I had a remembrance of and experience my dad had when he was a senior in high school. My dad always had to understand how something worked and in his small town in Indiana there one department store had just gotten an elevator. This old time elevator needed an elevator operator who could operate the elevator through a disk on the wall that had a handle sticking out. The operator had to learn how to stop the elevator at each floor and usually had to say “Please Watch Your Step”, “Please Step Up” or “Please Step Down.”
My dad got a job as the elevator operator, because he was curious about how that elevator mechanism worked. He also wanted to perfect that skill so that he never had to say “Please Watch Your Step”, “Please Step Up”, or “Please Step Down.” It took my dad a week to perfect the skill so he quit the job and got his paycheck.
(That was the first of only two paychecks he ever received, the other being from Henry Ford in college. Other than that he was always self-employed).
In my EMDR session that day I was also working on having enough time in responding to people with full awareness. I needed more time before responding to be very accurate with my inner body wisdom. Somehow the Elevator story from my dad made me see a similarity! That inner sensual elevator that I was using coming from the top down was difficult to maneuver to land exactly on the correct floor. I had the idea that if I could land a little below the correct floor (since the elevator moved down more quickly than up), then it was easier for me to adjust a little upward to land exactly at the correct floor. I even wondered if that was the technique my dad had used.
At any rate, my visualizing and experiencing myself on the rapid down movement of the Elevator and going slightly past my destination and inching up to the correct dimension not only gave me the extra time I needed to reply but I was exactly in line with the communication. This solved the time problem except for when I realized I needed to say to somebody “I can’t answer that right now, I’ll have to get back to you.”