October 31, 2018, Day 14, Universal South, Da’at Sepheroth
Wednesday, White Rhythmic WorldBridger, Kin 6, Heart Chakra
In the Washington, D. C. Area, there was a close knit group of light workers. I have kept in contact with those of us who are left. Some have moved, and some are still there. Many in these past 40+ years have crossed over to work on the other side.
I got a call 2 days ago that it was believed one of us had just crossed over. This friend had not left a will, and after a few mini strokes, had landed in assisted living a few years ago. He was originally from Southern Virginia, and was back there. His condition worsened, he ran out of funds, and became a ward of the state. It was hard to get information from the hospital since no one had legal rights for him. He was called stubborn.
However I have another take on this. I met him in 1982 at a wholistic Heath Center where I worked. From the beginning I knew him to be a fully surrendered being to the Divine Plan. What and when and where he was asked to do, he did! No questions asked. He was a man of great faith and quite spiritually and multidimensionally attuned and intuitive. Back in those days, we had to go out beyond the Beltway or Circumferential Highway to communicate. Inside it was all wired up for secret information gathered by our government. (It still may be!) Anyway, we only shared with each other what we needed to, in order to accomplish our work together.
This friend was a security guard at the Pentagon. He played the guitar and sang. He was an avid reader of spiritual literature, loved nature and gardening, and had quite a sense of humor. Beyond that, I mostly knew him through all of our team’s work together.
One day, I was meeting him at a conference. I parked behind a car that had a unfamiliar name on the license plate. It was not his car, but I knew it was my friend’s identity. (I Must insert here, that somehow, I get a lot of my information from license plates. I can’t explain it, either!)
I believe that a lot of Humans are aspects of certain spiritual beings, who have projected themselves down here in more than one body. Here is a diagram of what I mean, with two explanations.
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They have specific special talents and know how to use them. They don’t really reveal much about their work. Sometimes they don’t even know much about themselves until the knowledge is needed! Also there is a group Energy (usually not consciously) that when one in the group accomplishes some spiritual advancement, the whole group gains the advantage! It’s a pleasant boost from seemingly no where!
The next time I saw my friend, beyond the Beltway, I asked him if he had a certain book. He said “Yes” and went and got it. Then I opened the book and said, “I know who you are.” I pointed to the name. He blushed, and said, “How did you know that?” I said “I read it on a license Plate the other day!” We both had a good laugh. After all, I am a clown!
Our friend had a good sense of humor. When some of us would go to lunch, he would often pick up a napkin, and put one end to his forehead. Then we knew Carnac, had a wise answer emerging for us. He loved the Johnny Carson skits of Carnac with his Turban, little grin, and twinkly eyes. We could almost see the tall Turban on our friend’s head! We would all become quiet while he kept the napkin/envelope resting on his forehead and finally the mysterious question would appear!
Then our friend would slowly lower the napkin, tear open one end of the “envelope”, blow into the envelope to open it up, and read the question, slowly and deliberately. Often with a puzzled look on his face. We never knew if this was spontaneous or not! Many times these would be as wise as they were fun and funny! We always wondered how these messages came to him. But, he kept that to himself, too, just saying, “Carnac know. Carnac know. Carnac know!”
Our friend played a folk guitar and sang folk, blues, and gospel songs. He had a Southern Virginia twang to his voice. I have picked out the song “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” with Willie Nelson singing. Our friend sang and played his own accompaniment, with a slow rhythm and gentle voice. “Just a Closer walk with Thee”, is my favorite that I loved to hear. He would sing, strum his guitar, eyes closed, with such an honest love for Jesus, that one could feel the Lords presence there with us.
Just a Closer Walk with Thee
Anonymous/UnknownI am weak, but Thou art strong;
Jesus, keep me from all wrong;
Ill be satisfied as long
As I walk, let me walk close to Thee.Refrain: Just a closer walk with Thee,
Grant it, Jesus, is my plea,
Daily walking close to Thee,
Let it be, dear Lord, let it be.Through this world of toil and snares,
If I falter, Lord, who cares?
Who with me my burden shares?
None but Thee, dear Lord, none but Thee.When my feeble life is o’er,
Time for me will be no more;
Guide me gently, safely o’er
To Thy kingdom shore, to Thy shore.
Another thing my friend liked was going to Karaoke Gatherings, and listening, and sometimes participating. He certainly enjoyed many aspects of life, seeming to be one who could graciously allow what was going to be in his life to arrive, and to then allow himself to gently adjust to the new energy, keeping it all in the flow of the big picture.
My favorite story about my friends Security Guard job at the Pentagon is this: At a Security Guard Meeting long ago, a Top Brass showed up and said the Staff had decided they would like to check to make sure if the Guards were really alert, and would be able to handle a surprise attack. The Guards were aloud to talk on duty, but not to read or any distractions. They were fine with the request.
After the messenger left, they discussed if the “Higher Ups” really knew how well they trained for emergencies, and that they were sharp shooters, with orders to shoot to kill. Well, after the Guards delivered the response, that they were ready, The Guards reminded the “Top Brass Of their excellent training, and who was going to test them? Upon thinking about it, the request was withdrawn, and never brought up again.
Sort of like the mice thinking it was a great idea to hang a bell around the cat’s neck. Sure enough! ….and WHO is volunteering to do that?
I have in the past written about a great lesson I learned while working with my friend. Here is an excerpt of the article, In the Ark and Canoe TAO site, Chapter 6 Listening, written on 10/31/16. The second example is the one with this friend.
The Art of Listening is key at this point. We are not on our own now. We have the Highest of All, in my mind, to lead, and teach, and inspire us. 42 years ago, I knew after my near death experience, that my 1st assignment was to learn to hear my guidance, so that I was sure. I knew I needed to hear things I didn’t want to hear – like certain assignments, and things I didn’t expect to hear – like being asked to become a clown!
There were 2 times that I assumed I knew what my guidance wanted, and I went out to participate with others. One time, I couldn’t even get out the door! My head was splitting. I called my friend and she didn’t feel any better! I remember that I had NOT asked! So, I sat down and asked. My guidance said “We are so glad you asked!” Two things: His voice was ever so slightly sarcastic, but being a clown, Jesus and I had a very honest and humorous relationship. The 2nd thing was “WE”. I knew immediately that this was a big assignment and Jesus was the spokesperson. It turned out they wanted this done in 4 sections – a week apart! This was the clearing of a dark energy building in Washington D.C. Everything went fine when we followed instructions.
The second time, a friend of mine and I decided that the field near his apartment house needed to be cleared. We did not ask! It seemed like a simple thing! We had done many of these, but we had been asked to do the assignment. We had not been in the field more than 15 min, when we began to feel in many ways that something was wrong! We headed back to his apartment, and just barely dragged ourselves in! We drank water and had cold fruit. It took a couple of hours to recover! I learned that I didn’t need to know what or how something wasn’t right. Just to get out of there and to be sure I had been asked to go!
An aside to this story is, when I walked in my door later that afternoon, the phone was ringing! I answered it and one of my friends in my group said, “Miriam, where have you been? Around noon, Jesus said to me “I want you to pray for Miriam!” She started praying and Jesus said, “I mean REALLY PRAY FOR HER!” So she upped it to high gear!!! Well, I had to tell her where I had been.
I learned a lot from that one, mainly, that if I am not paying attention to what I’m doing, I can cause friends, and even probably prayer workers I don’t even know, to stop and pray for me, when they could need to be praying for someone else.
I have learned also, that when I’m asked to do something by my guidance, God will be working through me/us and He/She will accomplish what’s needed. Like Joshua and the Walls of Jericho, God gave explicit instructions to cause the walls to fall down. Also, I realized that Jesus at the pool of Bethesda, was given explicit instructions for certain people and that was often the case. It didn’t appear that He was deciding what miracles to do and HOW they should be done. He seemed to be in constant communication with His Father.
At the beginning of this post, as I am remembering our friend’s life, I said I had a different take on his transition. A couple of friends have spoken to his soul, giving him advice, and spiritual wisdom we think we know about what’s going on.
I learned a lot during my husband’s transition, and I knew the whole experience was orchestrated. I could feel that my husband was connected to the Divine Plan, and it would play out exactly as it would play out. Let it be. Let it be. Let it be. My husband died on the day out of time in the Mayan Calendar. 1 day out of 365 possibilities. To me, that was a confirmation of the perfection of his finally leaving this plane.
I see our friend as a large being in the sky over Southern Virginia. He is at peace, and singing to us as he plays his guitar, eyes closed, with Jesus, “Just a closer walk with Thee, Just a closer walk with Thee.” Peace prevails over Virginia, gently rolling out to fill all space. I tend to believe for his divine mission he will be in body and out of body until the exact Divine Timing. I send my friend waves and waves of gratitude for his work, and allowing it to faithfully complete according to the Will of God. It seems appropriate over the State of Virginia’s motto, seen on their license plates,
“Virginia is for Lovers”
Perhaps our National Motto should be,
“Make Love, not war!”
I didn’t feel that a substitute name for our friend was appropriate, so I called him through this post, friend and our friend. Rumi uses that word often in his poetry which seems appropriate here.
I found out Monday Morning November 5, 2018, that our friend died on Sunday. That’s all we know. 6 days of not knowing. We are very glad that his job is now finished, and he can be at peace. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant.”