Miri is responding to Communications Miriam has received in the past.

The Message Communicated:
I remember trying to train myself to stop thinking because it made the pain so much worse!!! Guess it was all teaching me how to be in silence ~ which I’m still learning!!!

The Two Responses:

On Learning to Be in Silence: Miri says:

“In the Mayan Dreamspell Calendar
I am Mirror, Endlessness
My guide is Wizard, Timelessness
For me, learning to be in Silence
Goes beyond Silence,
Into timelessness and endlessness.
Even beyond the Great Mystery and the Great Silence,
It’s before Creation was.
The Divine Feminine: ready to give birth,…….to create.

Ain Soph…..Ain Soph…..Ain Soph…..Ain Soph.”


On Stopping Thinking: Miri says:

“I don’t stop thinking.
I seduce my mind into following my heart.
Then deep, subconscious wisdom is released from my ancient vaults.
Surrounded by Divine Eros, my ancient Knowing is safe to reveal it’s Secrets to me, it’s Beloved.”



On Bodhisattvas: Miri Says:

“What if WE who are ready, are to lead the others who are ready into the Consciousness of Ain Soph?

What if we misunderstood our Mission and believed incorrectly that we are to wait until ALL are ready?

Are there some, who are ready to take that one step into Heaven, and trust that step will bring Heaven onto Earth Instantly? Trust that others WILL follow us?

Can WE step to the beat of a HIGHER Drummer?
Are WE the ones WE are waiting for?

Maybe the FAT LADY is NEVER going to sing!

Wouldn’t Heaven on Earth consciously help others to awaken?

What if we misunderstood our Mission?

What if? What if? What if?”

(If you’re going to be a Bodhisattva
At least, please come here from the future,
So you can see where you’re going!)

8:49/8:50 A.M. 12/3/18